The same way you can have a single operating system is the same way you can still install multiple ones on your PC without having any issues. They include the input devices 9 keyboard, mouse, touch pen and speech synthesizers) output devices ( printer and monitor) the processing units as well as other external devices. The customization settings enable you to have access to all h hardware parts with no limitations. You can install different versions of Windows, Linux or Mac. In one way you can choose to split the virtual disk especially when you have to deal with very large files. You can always include a source file while using the application. That is the time you need applications like VMware Player to allow you to have a mini computer on the same PC. At the same time, you wish to do a task on certain OS without actually removing the existing one. You will have to malfunction and crashes from time to time. With the default programs, it is difficult to install different Operating System on one computer. A virtualization tool like this will help you to do it. Everytime is good to test an application before using it.